Ham and Marine
Maritime Mobile HF Net Frequencies

Please report any errors, additions, or changes to:
Webmaster, Phil Landmeier, KW2P

See Also: Tide Tables  and Caribbean Weather

Hurricane Quiz (New)

Current Solar Conditions / Propagation Forecast / Band Conditions

Ham Maritime Mobile Nets

Time (UTC) Freq (MHz) Name Days Area Notes Contact
1600-020014.3Mar. Mobile Service Net http://www.mmsn.org/DCAR,PACKB4JKL, Jeff Savasta
01003.925Gulf Coast Hurricane NetDGCwx, tfcWD5CRR
0130-030028.31310M MM NetDEPAC,HawN6URW
01307.126MM Fast CW Net
020021.402Gerry's Happy HourM-FPAC, Bajasoc
020014.334Brazil/East Coast NetDEC, ATLwx, tfcK3UWJ
02003.932Great Lakes EmergencyDGLwx, tfcWD8ROK
02007.126MM Slow CW Net
030014.3Pacific Seafarer's Net WarmupDPAC, WCWUKH6RC Randy
032514.3Pacific Seafarer's Net Roll CallDPACMMKH6RC Randy
03307.294Sandia NetDWC, BajasocKA6HFG
040014.115Canadian DDD NetDPACalso 1730ZVE7DB
040014.318Arnold's NetDSPACMM, wxZK1DB
050021.2UK/NZ/African NetDPAC, IOCMMVK3PA
063014.316 first 5-10 mins, then moves to 7.120S. African Maritime Net; zs5mummnet@mweb.co.za; zs2abk@intekom.co.za; Web http://www.sammnet.com/DSATL, IOC, SAF, SA, AUSwx, also 1130Z, in operation >30 years.Graham Griggs ZS2ABK, QTH: Bushman's River Mouth East Cape, Sameul Maree ZS1SAM QTH: Glencairn Valley, 3 km north of Simonstown Harbor.
07007.190HHH Net http://www.hhhnet.net/
0700-00007.085MED, SEA Cruisers NetDMED, SEAMM
07153.82Bay of Islands NetDNZ, AUS, PACMMZL1BKD
0800-083014.315Pacific Inter-Island NetDSPAC, SEAtfcKX6QU
0800 *14.303UK Maritime Net *DATL, MED* not operating at present time
090014.313MED, SEA MM NetDMEDMM5B4MM
100014.32South China Sea NetDSPAC
10303.815Caribbean Weather NetDCARwx,+1045,2230ZVP2AYL
10457.163Caribbean WX NetDCARwx,+1030,2230Z
11003.77Mar Provinces WX NetM-SaNE CanadawxVE1AAC
1100-12007.241Caribbean MM Net; http://users.isp.com//kv4jc/DCARMMKV4JC
110014.300/313Intercon NetDNA, CA, SAtfc, also 2200ZK4PT
110014.283Carribus Traffic NetDEC, CARtfcKA2CPA
11103.93Puerto Rico WX NetDPR/VIwx, also 2310ZKP4AET
111514.316Indian Ocean MM NetDWPAC, IOCVK6HH
113014.316 first 30 mins, then moves to 7.120South African MM NetDSATL, IOC, SAF, SA, AUSwx, see also 0630Z for more net infoZS1SAM (Sam), ZS2ABK (Graham)
113021.325South Atlantic RoundtableDSATLtfc, also 2330ZPY1ZAK
120028.38Maritime Mobile NetDnovice ok
120014.1225Mississauga Net; http://www.tormarc.com/DE CanadaATL wxVE3NBL
120014.32Southeast Asia NetDSEA, SPACWB8JDR
12307.185Barbados Info NetDCARtfc8R6DH
12457.268East Coast Waterway Net; http://www.waterwayradio.net/DEC, CARMMNU4P
1300-140021.4Trans Atlantic MM NetDNATL, CARrc, wx8P6QM
13007.083Cen. Am. Breakfast ClubDCAMM, socAB6HR
1445, 1430 early chkins3.968Sonrisa Net; http://sonrisanet.org/DBaja, So. Calif.MM, wxXE2/KF6IL, Rick
1400-16007.263/268Rocky Mtn RV NetDMid WesttfcK5DGZ
14307.192Chubasco NetDBaja, So. Calwx, WU
14457.192Chubasco NetDBaja, So. Calif.MMXE2/N6OAH
15157.2335Baja Calif. MM Net; http://thebajanet.comDBaja, So. Calif.wx
16007.2335Baja Calif. MM Net; http://thebajanet.comDBaja, So. Calif.MMN6ADJ
16007.200/268Taco NetDBaja
1600-220014.300/313Maritime Mobile Service NetDATL, CAR, PACalso 2400ZKA8O
1600-18007.263/268Pacific RV Service NetM-FWestern U.S.tfcK6BYP
163014.303Swedish Maritime NetDMMalso 0530, 2030
163014.313INTERMAR eV, German Maritime Mobile Net; www.intermar-ev.deDMMDL0IMA
1700-180014.308RV Service NetDU.S.tfcKB1Z
170014.323US/Canada Power Sqdn NetSaU.S./CanadatfcW7LOE
170014.34Cal Hawaii NetDEPACtfcK6VDV
17007.24Bejuka NetM-FCAtfcHP3XWB
1700-190014.28Inter Mission RA NetM-SaCA, SAtfcWA2KUX
173014.115Canadian DDD NetM-FPACMM, also 0400ZVE7CEM
18007.076South Pacific Cruising NetDSPACMM, wxinformal
183014.34Manana Net WarmupM-SaWC, EPACMM, WUKB5HA
190014.2975Italian Amateur Radio Maritime Mobile Net; http://www.qsl.net/ik6ijf/DMMON6BG, AA3GZ
190014.285Kaffee Klatch Un-NetMWSaHawaii, TahitiMM, newsKH6S
190014.305Confusion NetM-FPACtfcW7GYR
19007.285Hawaii AM NetDHawaiitfc, wxKH6BF
1400 ET21.39Halo Net (2:00 PM Eastern Time)DNA, SAtfcDon WA4PXR
190014.329Bay of Islands NetDNZ, SPACMMZL1BKD
20007.08New Zealand WX NetDNZMM, wxZL1BTQ
20007.095Harry's NetDWPAC, SPACMMKL7MZ
200014.26Partyline NetDCAR, CAN3QVW
2000-220021.39Inter-American Traffic NetDNA, CA, SAtfcWD4HAY
203014.303Swedish Maritime NetDATLMM,0530,1630Z
203014.315Tony's Net WarmupDNZ, SPACMM, WUZL1ATE
210014.261Ben's Friends MM Un-NetECMM, socK3BC
210014.315Tony's NetDNZ, SPACwx, 2130ZZL1ATE
210014.113Mickey Mouse ConnectionDSATL, SPACMMCX9ABE
210021.412PAC Maritime Mobile Service Net; Early bird call. Net at 2200zDPACMMW1VDE, WA4PVZ
213014.29EC Waterway NetEC, U.S.MM
2200-22303.963EC Recreational Vehicle NetDEC, U.S.also 1300ZKB1Z
220021.402Pacific Maritime Net (has not been active for the past year)M-FPAC, BajaMMKB7DHQ
2200-240021.412PAC Maritime Mobile Service Net; (Early bird call at 2100z); http://pmmsn.aboutus.tc/DPACMMW1VDE, WA4PVZ
2200-240014.300/313Intercon NetDNA, CA, SAalso 1100ZK4PT
22303.815Caribbean WX NetCARwx, also 1030ZVP2AYL
23103.93Puerto Rico WX NetDPR, VIwx, also 1110ZKP4AET
233021.325South Atlantic RoundtableSATLtfc, soc
0000-020014.300/313Maritime Mobile Service NetDCAR, Baja, PACMM
00003.968Happy Hour NetDBaja, W. MexicoMM, soc
000014.32Southeast Asia MM NetDPAC, SEAMM
variable14.325/275/175Hurricane Watch NetATL, CAR, PAChurr. trackK0IND
Updated 2018Jun06


Ham Radio HF Emergency Net Frequencies (USB or LSB as appropriate)

Name / Description Freq (kHz)
Antigua / Antilles3815.0, 7165.0
Antilles Net3818
Southern Louisiana7245
Baja California7235
Caribus Net14283.0 +/-
Caribbean Emergency14185
Caribbean Maritime Mobile7115.0 (1200Z)
Caribbean WX3808.0 (1030Z)
California WX3948.0 (1400Z)
Gulf Coast Central Hurricane3935.0, 7245.0
Gulf Coast Western Hurricane3845.0, 7260.0
Gulf Coast (outgoing only)3967.0, 7283.0
Gulf Coast WX3995.0, 7290.0
Gulf Coast Health and Welfare3993.5, 7264.0
Hurricane Watch Net (Nat. Hurr. Center)14325
Interamericas Health and Welfare21390
Inter-Island 75 meter (24 hr watch)3815
Inter-Island 40 meter (24 hr watch)7165
Lake Charles, LA3993.5, 7264.0
Louisiana14340.0 (1900Z)
Mexican National3987.5
Mississippi ARES3923.0, 3910.0
North Carolina3915
Red Cross (IARN)14275
South Carolina Emergency Net3915.0, 7232.0, 7243.0
South Texas Emergency3955
Texas Emergency7240.0, 7250.0
Texas Traffic / Health and Welfare3691.0, 7290.0 (day), 3910.0 (night)
Transatlantic Maritime Mobile21400


Marine HF Maritime Mobile Nets (all USB)

Time (UTC) Freq
Name Days Area Control
000016.534WX QuestionsNPAC, SPACwx
01454.054Southbound NetDBaja, CAMark Schneider, S/V SolMate WDE2635, KI6UPS,
05008.188Puddle Jumpers Eastern FleetDATL, CARwx
1000-12006.215Eastern Caribbean NetECARuncontrolled
140013.55Chat NetD
14158.122Amigo Net
153012.359WX Questionswx
154516.534WX QuestionsNATL, NPAC, SPACwx. Alternate frequencies: 18.840, 22.165, 25.115
0800 Local6.209 +/-3kHzNorthwest Caribbean NetDMM
18308.188Puddle Jumpers Western FleetDPAC, EPAC, CARwx
192012.359Weather Check-InDCAR, ATL, EPAC
2000-230012.359Southbound IIDCAR, ATL, EPAC
23004.033 / 4.045Gossip NetD
234512.359WX Questions



ATL - Atlantic, AUS - Australia, Baja - Baja California, CA - Central America, CAR - Caribbean, D - Daily, EC - East Coast, ECAR - Eastern Caribbean, EPAC - Eastern Pacific, GC - Gulf Coast, GL - Great Lakes, IOC - Indian Ocean, MED - Mediterranean, MM - Maritime Mobile, NA - North America, NATL - North Atlantic, NZ - New Zealand, PAC - Pacific, PR - Puerto Rico, rc - roll call, SA - South America, SATL - South Atlantic, SEA - Southeast Asia, soc - socializing, SPAC - South Pacific, tfc - traffic, VI - Virgin Islands, WC - West Coast, WU - Warmup session, check-in, wx - weather

Special thanks for information and corrections submitted by:

Tom VE3II, Assistant Net Manager, Maritime Mobile Service Network
Bill G4FRN, Net Control, UK Maritime Mobile Net
Charles VE3CFL, Mississarga Maritime Net
Jack WA4PVZ, Pacific Maritime Mobile Service Net
Steve, G4MJW, UK Maritime Mobile Net
Jean Schwarzkopf, N5LNC, Chubasco Net
Christopher B. Kubelick, HHH Net

Data last updated July 5, 2016

See Also: Tide Tables  and Caribbean Weather


July 5, 2016
© 1997-2016 Phillip Landmeier