1900 | Luis Arturo González López, who served as interim president of Guatemala from July 27, 1957 to October 24, 1957, is born. | Nace Luis Arturo González López, quien fungió como presidente interino de Guatemala del 27 julio 1957 hasta 24 octubre 1957 |
Oct 25, 1902 | Volcano Santa Maria unleashes a powerful earthquake leaving about 6,000 dead. | El Volcán de Santa María da rienda suelta a un fuerte terremoto que dejó unos 6.000 muertos. |
1904 | The Postal Code creates the General Administration of Mail and Telegraphs (GAMT). The system grows to become very inefficient and in the 1980s private delivery businesses spring up. | El Código Postal crea la Administración General de Correos y Telégrafos (GAMT). El sistema crece hasta llegar a ser muy ineficiente y en 1980 empezaron las empresas privadas para encomiendas. |
Sep 10, 1904 | Juan José Arévalo Bermejo, who served as president of Guatemala from 1945 to 1951 is born in Taxisco, Santa Rosa, Guatemala. | Juan José Arévalo Bermejo, quien se desempeñó como presidente de Guatemala desde 1945 hasta 1951 nace en Taxisco, Santa Rosa, Guatemala. |
1905 | American newspaperman, Joseph Goodman, publishes the first correlation of the Mayan calendar with the Gregorian calendar. | |
1906 | Ernst Forstemann deciphers much of the Maya calendar and counting system portrayed in the Dresden Codex. | |
Apr 13, 1908 | The Department of El Progreso is created by Executive Decree No, 683. El Progreso is created from the Guastatoya Territory which was a part of the Department of Jalapa. | El Departamento de El Progreso se creó mediante Decreto Ejecutivo No. 683. El Progreso se crea del Territorio Guastatoya que formaba parte del Departamento de Jalapa. |
Jun 17, 1908 | General Alfredo Enrique Peralta Azurdia who served as president of Guatemala from March 31, 1963 to July 1, 1966, is born in Guatemala City. | El general Alfredo Enrique Peralta Azurdia quien se desempeñó como presidente de Guatemala de 31 marzo 1963 hasta 1 julio 1966, nace en la Ciudad de Guatemala. |
1910 | Carlos Enrique Díaz de León, who served for one day as provisional president of Guatemala in June of 1954, is born. | Nace Carlos Enrique Díaz de León, quien sirvió durante un día como presidente provisional de Guatemala en junio de 1954. |
Sep 15, 1910 | José Joaquín Palma is recognized by President Manuel Estrada Cabrera as the author of the National Anthem of Guatemala. The anthem was later modified by José Maria Bonilla Ruano at the request of President Jorge Ubico. | José Joaquín Palma es reconocido por el presidente Manuel Estrada Cabrera como el autor del Himno Nacional de Guatemala. El himno fue modificada posteriormente por José María Bonilla Ruano, a petición del presidente Jorge Ubico. |
Aug 2, 1911 | José Joaquín Palma, native of Cuba, naturalized in Guatemala, author of the lyrics to the Guatemalan National Anthem, dies. | Murió José Joaquín Palma, natural de Cuba, naturalizado en Guatemala, autor de la letra el Himno Nacional de Guatemala. |
1912 | Elfego Hernán Monzón Aguirre, who led the military junta that governed Guatemala for nine days in July of 1954, is born. | Nace Elfego Hernán Monzón Aguirre, quien dirigió la junta militar que gobernó Guatemala durante nueve días en julio de 1954. |
1913 | Publication of Herbert Spinden's A History of Maya Art, which remains an important reference for the understanding of ancient Maya art styles and motifs. | |
Sep 14, 1913 | Jacobo Guzman Arbenz is born in Quetzaltenango. Arbenz was democratically elected president of Guatemala from 1951 to 1954. He was overthrown by the CIA and died in 1971 in Mexico City. | Nace Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán en Quetzaltenango. Arbenz fue elegido democráticamente presidente de Guatemala desde 1951 hasta 1954. Fue derrocado por la CIA de los EE.UU. y murió en 1971 en la Ciudad de México. |
Nov 23, 1915 | Julio César Méndez Montenegro who served as president of Guatemala from July 1, 1966 to July 1, 1970, is born. | Nace Julio César Méndez Montenegro, quien se desempeñó como presidente de Guatemala del 1 julio 1966 hasta 1 julio 1970. |
Jul 17, 1918 | Carlos Manuel Arana Osorio who served as president of Guatemala from July 1, 1970 to July 1, 1974, was born in Barberena, Santa Rosa, Guatemala. | Carlos Manuel Arana Osorio, quien se desempeñó como presidente de Guatemala desde julio 1, 1970 a julio 1, 1974, nació en Barberena, Santa Rosa, Guatemala. |
1924 | The Carnegie Institution of Washington (CIW) begins research at Uaxactun under the direction of Oliver Ricketson. Field work continues to 1938. | |
Jul 4, 1924 | Fernando Romeo Lucas García, who served as president of Guatemala from July 1, 1978 to March 23, 1982, is born in San Juan Chamelco, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. | Fernando Romeo Lucas García, quien se desempeñó como presidente de Guatemala del 1 julio 1978 a 23 marzo 1982, nace en San Juan Chamelco, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. |
1925 | The Middle American Research Institute (MARI) is established at Tulane University under the direction of William Gates and assisted by Frans Blom. | |
1926 | Juan Martinez Hernandez modifies Goodman's calendar correlation.
J. Eric. S. Thompson begins his career in Maya archaeology at Chichen Itza.
Frans Blom is appointed acting director and later head of MARI (Middle American Research Institute) from 1926 to 1941.
British Museum expedition to southern British Honduras (Belize) with work at Wild Cane Cay and Lubaantun. | |
Jun 16, 1926 | Efraín Ríos Montt who served as de facto president of Guatemala from March 23, 1982 to August 8, 1983, is born in Huehuetenango. | Efraín Ríos Montt, quien se desempeñó como presidente de facto de Guatemala del 23 marzo 1982 a 8 agosto 1983, nace en Huehuetenango. |
1927 | J. Eric S. Thompson modifies Goodman's and Hernandez's Maya calendar correlation and publishes the Goodman-Martinez-Thompson (GMT) correlation, which became the most widely accepted Maya calendar correlation.
J. Eric S. Thompson joins the second British Museum expedition to British Honduras, under the direction of Thomas Joyce, working at Lubaantun and Pusilha.
Anna Mitchell-Hedges discovered a crystal skull at Lubaantun, Belize, but the circumstances of the discovery on her 16th birthday and accompanied by her father, Frederick Mitchell-Hedges, and the medical officer of health for then British Honduras (Belize), and the fact that there are no other Maya crystal skulls, indicate that it was likely placed at Lubaantun for her discovery. Recent scientific analysis shows the skull was crafted in the 19th century, probably in Idar-Oberstein, Germany, where numerous such skulls were made at that time from Brazilian rock crystal. | |
1929 | The University of Pennsylvania begins research at Piedras Negras under the direction of J. Alden Mason. | |
1929 | J. Eric S. Thompson's field work at Tzimin Kax in the Maya Mountains of Belize lays the foundation for his definition of the plazuela group as the basic architectural unit of the ancient Maya household and community planning. | |
1930 | Óscar Humberto Mejía Victores (born 1930), who served as de facto president of Guatemala from August 8, 1983 to January 14, 1986, is born. | Nace Óscar Humberto Mejía Víctores quien se desempeñó como presidente de facto de Guatemala del 8 agosto 1983 al 14 enero 1986. |
Jan 24, 1930 | Kjell Eugenio Laugerud García, who served as president of Guatemala from July 1, 1974 to July 1, 1978, is born to a Norwegian father and Guatemalan mother. He received his military training in the United States at Fort Benning. Laugerud served in various capacities in the Guatemalan military and as chief of the army staff and defense minister under President Carlos Arana Osorio. | Kjell Eugenio Laugerud García, quien se desempeñó como presidente de Guatemala del 1 julio 1974 al 1 julio 1978, es nacido de padre noruego y madre guatemalteca. Recibió su formación militar en los Estados Unidos en Fort Benning. Laugerud desempeñó diversos cargos en el ejército de Guatemala y como jefe del Estado Mayor del ejército y ministro de Defensa durante la presidencia de Carlos Arana Osorio. |
Feb 14, 1931 | Jorge Ubico is elected president of Guatemala. He immediately takes power and rules as a military dictator until 1944. He liked to ride around the country on his motorcycle and had all the potholes fixed. He ended debt peonage for Indians and clamped down on corruption but also murdered those who opposed his policies. | Jorge Ubico es elegido presidente de Guatemala. De inmediato toma el poder y mandó como dictador militar hasta 1944. Le gustaba viajar por todo el país en su motocicleta y tenía todos los baches reparados. Terminó el peonaje por deuda de los Indios y aplicó mano dura contra la corrupción, pero también asesino los que se oponían a sus políticas. |
1932 | Holmul ceramic report published by Robert Merwin and George Vaillant describing distinctive Protoclassic pottery. | |
1933 | Guatemala dictator Jorge Ubico murders hundreds of labor leaders and students for allegedly attempting to overthrow him. Ubico repressed all opposition and censored the press. | El dictador de Guatemala Jorge Ubico mato cientos de dirigentes laborales y estudiantes por un presunto intento de derrocarlo. Ubico reprimió toda oposición y censuró la prensa. |
Jul 26, 1934 | Guatemalan President Jorge Ubico orders certain changes be made to the lyrics of the Guatemalan National Anthem. Those changes are made by Guatemalan author Jose Maria Bonilla Ruano. | El presidente guatemalteco Jorge Ubico ordenó ciertos cambios a la letra del Himno Nacional de Guatemala. Estos cambios se hacen por el autor guatemalteco José María Bonilla Ruano. |
1936 | J. Eric S. Thompson joins the Carnegie Institution of Washington (CIW) and continues his field work at San Jose, Belize. | |
Feb 19, 1936 | Francisco Amado, political leader of the Department of Jutiapa, announces the discovery of nine stone monoliths from the Classic Period and orders their removal to the National Museum. Ancient ceramic were also discovered that were delivered to the Secretary of Education. | Francisco Amado, jefe político del Departamento de Jutiapa, anuncia el descubrimiento de nueve monolitos de piedra de la época clásica y ordena su traslado al Museo Nacional. Ceramicas antiguas fueron descubiertas también y se entregaron a la Secretaría de Educación. |
1938 | Thompson carries out field work at Xunantunich, which was then called Benque Viejo. | |